Agency in Times of Change

Faculty Service-Learning Reading Group

November 9, -
Speaker(s): Duke Service-Learning
How do we facilitate student empowerment and agency in times of change?
Let's meet to explore themes presented in Faculty Service-Learning Guidebook: Enacting Equity-Centered Teaching, Partnerships, and Scholarship. The text is a pedagogical tool ". . . to design, teach and assess critical service-learning in order to facilitate student empowerment and agency, advance community improvement and efficacy, and expand engaged scholarship within the contexts of advocacy for social justice and democratic equity." There is something thought-provoking for everyone in this text!

We will target Chapter 8 "Critical Engagement and Conscientization" (pp. 243-283), a chapter that explores teachable moments created by the complexities of community issues. To further explore the 2023-2024 theme "Agency in Times of Change," this text provides us with ways to analyze and transform existing cognitive paradigms and biases and to contextualize the engagement through the lenses of our academic disciplines. As our world changes around us, come and chat with colleagues about the role of engaged pedagogies in conscientization and community efficacy.

Considering joining our Reading Group this semester?
We welcome all participants-whether you have time to read the entire Faculty-Service-Learning Guidebook: Enacting Equity-Centered Teaching, Partnerships, and Scholarship, concentrate on the selected chapter, or simply show up ready to reflect in the moment with the cohort!

If you would like a copy of Faculty-Service-Learning Guidebook: Enacting Equity-Centered Teaching, Partnerships, and Scholarship (Cress, et al. 2023) you may either access it online through Duke Libraries or contact Brenda Whiteman ( for a physical copy.

Text: Cress, C.M., Stokamer, S.T., Van Cleave, T.J., & Kaufman, J.P. (2023). Faculty Service-Learning Guidebook: Enacting Equity-Centered Teaching, Partnerships, and Scholarship (1st ed.). Routledge.

Duke Service-Learning