Voices in the Environment: Spanish


Combine your interests in Spanish and Environmental Studies!

Are the environmental challenges that communities face in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries comparable to other environmental problems across the globe?

How can ecotourism and biodiversity conservation improve the life of Galapagos Islands inhabitants? Can paramos enhance the water distribution system in Colombia while helping local community markets? Do local tribes in the Amazon Jungle contribute to the preservation of endemic species? 

VOICES IN THE ENVIRONMENT explores how language and culture impact beliefs, behaviors, and interventions. Through practical and theoretical discussions around case studies, visual texts, and interviews in the target language, we examine issues from global health to public policy. Guest speakers help us explore the underlying reasons for different beliefs and behaviors, with the goal of creating culturally appropriate interventions. Prerequisite: 300-level of Spanish or equivalent. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

Edgar Virguez (edgar.virguez@duke.edu)

Learn more about the Professor Virguez here:

In this course, students will explore how language and culture impact environmental policy and practice. Through authentic text, video, and case studies in Spanish, students will analyze environmental issues in Latin America to develop their understanding of core issues in the field. Tutorials meet for 75 minutes/week. Taught in Spanish.
Cross-Listed As
  • SPANISH 272T-1
Typically Offered
Spring Only