Logistical Resources

Minors Policy

Please refer to the Policy for Minors in Duke Programs for information about working with children under the age of 18.


Working with Durham Public Schools

All Duke students working in Durham Public Schools (DPS) must go through the DPS volunteer process in addition to the Minors in Duke Programs process.   

  1. A new background check must be completed each year. 
  2. Students will be required to view a video before working in Durham Public Schools. 
  3. Photo ID will be required to enter the building. 
  4. An email confirmation of the completed application may be required to enter the school 
  5. Please share the following with students:
    1. A flowchart describing the process is here
    2. Instructions for the online application (with screenshots) are here

If you have complications, please contact servicelearning@duke.edu

Logistical Resources