
Service-Learning Courses

Service-learning courses are designed to integrate community-engaged experiences with academic course content, while providing benefit to our community partners. Essential elements of the courses include twenty or more hours of service activities, critical reflection on the relationship between course content and service experience, and an emphasis on the ethical and civic dimensions of service.

Community-Engaged Learning Courses

These courses include a variety of interactions in the community, and although community-based learning courses do not offer the sustained service component that Service-Learning courses do, they offer enriching aspects of working in the community and opportunity for critical reflection on ethical service experiences.

Community-Based Language Courses

These courses integrate academic language learning with local community, offering Duke language students opportunities to interact with community members who both speak the language and can share the culture. Community-based language courses include Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese, Persian, Haitian Creole, and more.

Number Title Codes Notes
AAAS 102 Introduction to African American Studies CCI, CZ, SS
AAAS 104S Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS
BIOLOGY 150 Teaching Internship in Biology Hogan
RELIGION 150 Christianity CCI, EI, CZ
AAAS 306 Africa and Arabia: Cultures, Communities, and Connections CCI, CZ, SS
AMES 106FS Documenting the Middle East: Community and Oral History CCI, R, ALP, CZ Kalow
AMES 190S Special Topics in Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Instructors: Houssami / Kalow
AMES 191 Indian Literature of Marginalized Society CCI, ALP, CZ, SS Knapczyk
AMES 219 Elements of Linguistic Structure SS
AMES 270T-5 Voices in Global Health: Mandarin Tutorial
AMES 272T Voices in the Environment: Mandarin
AMES 304 Africa and Arabia: Cultures, Communities, and Connections CCI, CZ, SS Lo
AMES 337S Chinese Sociolinguistics CCI, R, SS Liu
AMES 416 Civil Society and Civic Engagement in the Middle East EI, W, SS Cross Listing: AMES 416-01
AMES 427S Archives of Literacy: West Africa, Islam, and American Slavery CCI, CZ Lo
ARABIC 99 Survival Arabic: Arabic Language and Culture of Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine CCI, FL Instructors: Maha Houssami / Amal Boumaaza
ARABIC 281 Media Arabic I: Arabic in Media and Documentary Film FL, CZ
ARABIC 305 Advanced Arabic CCI, FL, ALP Houssami
ARABIC 306 Advanced Arabic FL, ALP Mbaye Lo
ARABIC 407 Issues in Arabic Language and Literature I CCI, FL, ALP Houssami
ARABIC 408 Issues in Arabic Language and Literature II FL, ALP Houssami
BME 230L Global Women's Health Technologies STS
BME 460L Devices for People with Disabilities (DR) Caves
CEE 315-20 Engineering Sustainable Design and the Global Community: Structural Focus STS, QS Schaad
CEE 315-60 Engineering Sustainable Design and the Global Community: Environmental Focus STS, QS Schaad
CHILDPOL 490S Special Topics in Child Policy Research Rosanbalm
CHILDPOL 532S Community-Based Research on Early Childhood Policy and Practice R, SS Rosanbalm
CHINESE 101 First-Year Chinese I FL He
CHINESE 102 First-Year Chinese II FL Jiao
CHINESE 131 First Year Chinese for Bilingual Learners FL Chou
CHINESE 203 Intermediate Chinese FL Guo
CHINESE 204 Intermediate Chinese CCI, FL, CZ Zhang
CHINESE 205 Intermediate-Mid Chinese FL
CHINESE 232 Intermediate Chinese for Bilingual Learners FL Hsu
CHINESE 271T Voices in Philosophy: Chinese Tutorial
CHINESE 273T Voices in Public Policy: Mandarin Chinese Tutorial Liu
CHINESE 277T-3 Voices in Marketing: Advertising in Chinese
CHINESE 305 Pre-Advanced Chinese CCI, FL, CZ Yang
CHINESE 306 Advanced Chinese II CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
CHINESE 331 Modern Chinese Society and Culture through New Media CCI, FL, CZ He
CHINESE 332D Chinese Translation and Interpretation CCI, FL Liu
CHINESE 333 Advanced Chinese for Bilingual Learners CCI, FL, ALP, CZ Hsu
CHINESE 370 Debate in Chinese: Survey of Great Chinese Thinkers CCI, FL, ALP, CZ
CHINESE 382S Business and Interculturality in the Chinese Society CCI, FL, CZ Hsu
CHINESE 407S Issues in Chinese Language and Society I CCI, FL, ALP, CZ Hsu
CHINESE 408S Chinese Language and Culture through Film CCI, FL, ALP, CZ Zhang
CHINESE 411S Debate in Chinese: Survey of Great Chinese Thinkers FL, ALP
CHINESE 435S Chinese in the Humanities I CCI, FL, ALP
CHINESE 450S Understanding China and the United States: Stereotypes, Conflicts, and Common Challenges CCI, FL, CZ
CHINESE 456 Aspects of Chinese Culture and Society CCI, FL, ALP, CZ Jiang
CINE 283A Introduction to Global Los Angeles: An Interdisciplinary Survey (Service-Learning) CCI, EI, ALP Dowdey
COMPSCI 408 Delivering Software: From Concept to Client EI, R, STS
CREOLE 102 Elementary Creole II FL
CREOLE 203 Intermediate Creole I FL Instructor: Pierre
CREOLE 204 Intermediate Creole II FL
CULANTH 204S Union Activism EI, CZ, SS Starn
CULANTH 290S Current Issues in Anthropology
CULANTH 302 Fieldwork Methods: Cultural Analysis and Interpretation EI, R, W, SS
CULANTH 309S Manger: Foodways and Food Systems CCI, FL, W, CZ Florand
CULANTH 397S Language in Immigrant America CCI, R, ALP
CULANTH 504S Graphic Ethnography: Comics as Research CCI, EI, ALP
DANCE 371 Artists in Healthcare: Collaborations and Complexities CCI, EI, R, ALP, CZ Wilbur
DOCST 89S First Year Seminar
DOCST 202S Children and the Experience of Illness ALP, SS Moses
DOCST 209FS Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP Post-Rust
DOCST 209S Digital Documentary Photography: Education, Childhood, and Growth EI, ALP Post-Rust
DOCST 224S Children's Self Expression: Literacy Through Photography EI, ALP, SS Instructor: Hyde
Cross Listings: EDUC 244S, VMS 207S
DOCST 230S Small Town USA: Local Collaborations CCI, R, ALP Post-Rust
DOCST 317S Veterans Oral History Project CCI, SS Lanier
DOCST 332S Farmworkers in North Carolina: Roots of Poverty, Roots of Change CCI, EI, CZ, SS Cross-Listed as
VMS 341S
ECON 337S Social Inequalities and Low-Wage Work EI, SS Miller
EDUC 89S First-Year Seminar Malone
EDUC 101 Reimagining Public Education CCI, EI, SS Anderson, Staff

EDUC 101S Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education CCI, EI, SS Wynn
EDUC 111FS Pursuit of Equality: Rethinking Schools - Lens of Social Justice CCI, EI, SS Anderson
EDUC 112FS Medical Ethics, Aging, and End of Life Care in the US CCI, EI, ALP Gheith
EDUC 115FS Culture, Language, and Purposeful Discomfort in American Classrooms EI, SS Ramírez-DelToro
EDUC 240 Educational Psychology CCI, EI, SS McCoy
EDUC 243S Children, Schools, and Society CCI, EI, W, SS Wynn
EDUC 272S Overlooked Children: Topics of Equity and Access in Gifted Education CCI, EI, SS Instructor: Stephens
Cross Listings: PUBPOL 272S
EDUC 285S Critical Pedagogy of Hip Hop CCI, EI, ALP, SS Daniels
EDUC 290S Selected Topics
EDUC 290T Freshman-Sophomore Tutorials (TOP)
EDUC 303S De/Re/Segregation in Education: A Case of Back to the Future? CCI, EI, SS Anderson
EDUC 330S Black Durham: Discovering Durham's Hallowed Ground through Arts EI, ALP
EDUC 390T-1 Junior-Senior Tutorials (Topics) Daniels
EDUC 408S The Science of Teaching Reading: Cutting-Edge, Research-Based Practices CCI, EI, SS McCoy
EDUC 415 PreK-8 Classrooms as Learning Labs for Research-Based Teaching Practices SS Stephens
EDUC 420-1 Elementary Education: Practicum EI Riggsbee
EGR 101L Engineering Design and Communication Departmental Staff

EGR 102L Design to Deliver Saterbak
EGR 190S Special Topics McCoy, Daily
EGR 545 Design Climate I: Discover R
EHD 290S Special Topics in Education and Human Development Bass Connections course. Instructor: Sperling
EHD 393 Research Independent Study R
ENGLISH 396S Language in Immigrant America CCI, R, ALP Instructor: Baran
ENGLISH 397S Narratives of Migration CCI, R, ALP Baran
ENVIRON 245 The Theory and Practice of Sustainability EI, R, STS, NS, SS Clark
ENVIRON 269T-1 Voices in the Environment: Spanish
ENVIRON 269T-2 Voices in the Environment: French
ENVIRON 269T-3 Voices in the Environment: Mandarin
ENVIRON 269T-4 Voices in the Environment: German
ENVIRON 287A Conservation Biology & Service Learning: coastal ecosystems, restoration and communities STS, NS Demattia
ENVIRON 545 Design Climate I: Discover R Ledlee, Horvath, Winglee
ENVIRON 546 Design Climate II: Develop
ENVIRON 590 Special Topics Ledlee
ENVIRON 590L Special Topics
ENVIRON 785A Conservation Biology & Service Learning: Coastal ecosystems, restoration and communities DeMattia
ENVIRON 795 Practicum in Community-Based Environmental Management Shapiro-Garza
ETHICS 215 Resettling Refugees in Durham Gregory
ETHICS 301S Business and Human Rights Advocacy Lab EI, R, W Katzenstein
ETHICS 390S Special Topics in Ethics
FRENCH 101 Elementary French 1 FL Choffart
FRENCH 204 Advanced Intermediate French Language and Culture FL, CZ Florand
FRENCH 270T-3 Voices in Global Health: French Tutorial
FRENCH 272T Voices in the Environment: French
FRENCH 275T-2 Voices in Marketing: Advertising in French
FRENCH 301S Finding Your Voice in French: The Power of Writing CCI, FL, W Florand
FRENCH 304S French Composition and Translation CCI, FL, W
FRENCH 308S Manger: Foodways and Food Systems CCI, FL, W, CZ Florand
FRENCH 321S Working in French: S'engager dans le monde francophone CCI, FL Reisinger
FRENCH 325S Global Displacement: Voix Francophones CCI, EI, FL, CZ, SS Reisinger
GLHLTH 210 Global Health Ethics: Policy Choice as Value Conflict EI, SS Whetten
GLHLTH 270T-1 Voices in Global Health: Arabic Tutorial
GLHLTH 270T-4 Voices in Global Health: Hindi Tutorial
GLHLTH 270T-5 Voices in Global Health: Mandarin Tutorial Instructor: Yan Liu
GLHLTH 499 Global Health Capstone R, SS Clements
GLHLTH 690 Special Topics in Global Health Studies Clements
GLHLTH 774 Program Evaluation for Health
HINDI 101 Elementary Hindi FL Knapczyk 
HINDI 102 Elementary Hindi FL Knapczyk
HINDI 204 Intermediate Hindi FL, CZ
HINDI 270T-4 Voices in Global Health: Hindi Tutorial Knapczyk
HISTORY 122 History of Latinxs in the United States CCI, CZ, SS Marquez
I&E 510 Social Innovation Practicum Staff
I&E 590 Special Topics in Innovation & Entrepreneurship Clements
ICS 89S First Year Seminar Instructor: Rosenblatt
Cross Listings: ARTSVIS 89S, EDUC 89S, ETHICS 89S, VMS 89S
This course is part of the Kenan Institute for Ethics “What Now?” program.
ICS 106S Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS
ICS 283S Death, Burial, and Justice in the Americas EI, SS Rosenblatt
ICS 426 Civil Society and Civic Engagement in the Middle East EI, W, SS
ICS 489S Capstone: Global Studies Seminar CCI, R, W, CZ, SS
ICS 502S Graphic Ethnography: Comics as Research CCI, EI, ALP
JEWISHST 89S First Year Seminar
JEWISHST 290S Special Topics in Jewish Studies
JPN 306 Advanced Japanese CCI, FL, ALP
LINGUIST 364 Gender and Language CCI, R, SS Clements
LIT 243S Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS
LSGS 201S Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS Enriquez
MMS 273T-1 Voices in Marketing: Advertising in Spanish Enriquez
MUSIC 235T-1 Voices in Music: Spanish
MUSIC 398S Meeting the World Through Chamber Music CCI, ALP Ku and Stinson
MUSIC 399 Music Community Connect CCI, ALP Ku, Stinson
MUSIC 490S Advanced Topics in Music Stinson
NEUROSCI 444S Neuroscience Service Learning: Brain Connections STS, NS, SS Ng
PERSIAN 102 Elementary Persian FL
PHARM 293 Research Independent Study in Science Education R Instructor: Sawyer
PHARM 294 Research Independent Study in Science Education R Two Sections
PHARM 693 Research Independent Study in Science Education R Instructor: Sawyer
PHARM 694 Research Independent Study in Science Education R
POLSCI 590-3 Intermediate Topics in Security, Peace, and Conflict
PSY 239 Adolescence SS
PSY 390S Special Topics in Psychology Kushnir
PUBPOL 213 Arts Policy, Leadership, and Engagement EI, R, SS
PUBPOL 263S Leading In and With Community CCI, EI, W, SS Zagbayou
PUBPOL 265S Enterprising Leadership EI, SS Brown
PUBPOL 270S Lead the Way Durham: Civic Engagement, Social Innovation, and Community Leadership in the Bull City EI, SS Zagbayou
PUBPOL 273T-1 Voices in Public Policy: Spanish Tutorial Enriquez
PUBPOL 283 Ethics in an Unjust World CCI, EI, CZ, SS Instructor: Hollowell
PUBPOL 290 Selected Public Policy Topics Instructor: Nurkin
PUBPOL 298 Developing Leadership for a Better World EI, SS Nurkin
PUBPOL 590 Advanced Topics in Public Policy Zagbayou
PUBPOL 851 Human Centered Design Instructors Allin / Meyer.
Bass Connections course.
PUBPOL 890 Advanced Special Topics in Public Policy Sperling Smokoski
ROMST 389S Linguistic Human Rights in the Americas CCI, EI, SS
RUSSIAN 273T Voices in Public Policy: Russian Tutorial Andrews
SOCIOL 178FS Refugees, Rights, and Resettlement CCI, EI, SS
SOCIOL 250 Medical Sociology EI, SS
SOCIOL 264 Death and Dying EI, SS Gold
SPANISH 160S Introduction to Latino/a Studies in the Global South CCI, ALP, SS
SPANISH 205 Advanced Intermediate Spanish with Service-Learning EI, FL, CZ Ewing
SPANISH 206 Advanced Intermediate Spanish with Community Engagement FL, CZ
SPANISH 271T Voices in Public Policy: Spanish Tutorial Romero
SPANISH 272T-1 Voices in the Environment: Spanish
SPANISH 275T-1 Voices in Marketing: Advertising in Spanish
SPANISH 303 Introduction to Cultural Studies CCI, FL Karahalios
SPANISH 305 Advanced Spanish for Heritage Learners CCI, FL, W, CZ Munné
SPANISH 306 Health, Culture, and the Latino Community CCI, FL Fernandez
SPANISH 306-1 Health, Culture, and the Latino Community: Service Learning CCI, FL Clifford
SPANISH 307S Issues of Education and Immigration CCI, FL Ewing
SPANISH 308S Latinx Voices in Duke, Durham, and Beyond CCI, FL, W, CZ Clifford
SPANISH 310 Translating Spanish-English and English-Spanish CCI, FL, ALP Instructors: Munné / Simmermeyer
SPANISH 313 Bridging Cultures: Latino Lives and Experiences in NC CCI, EI, FL, SS Fernandez
STA 470S Introduction to Statistical Consulting EI, R, W, QS Iverson
THEATRST 290S-5 Special Topics in Arts Management Instructor: Dan Ellison
TURKISH 305 Contemporary Turkish Composition and Readings CCI, FL Havlioglu
VMS 359A Introduction to Global Los Angeles: An Interdisciplinary Survey (Service-Learning) CCI, EI, ALP
WRITING 101 Academic Writing Ellison